Is the change right?

So we all know about changes and almost all of us have gone through one or more changes in our life. There was a time when I used to think that every change will settle in their own and I would accept all the changes very easily.

However, not so long ago, I noticed that it is not only the surrounding or the person or anything that change. What changes the most is “me”. And I was so confused with this. Is it good to be changed? I mean I have heard this phrase from my mom certain times (” All happens for a good reason”). So does the change that changed me was for good? I am less hopeful now. Don’t expect much from people. Certain things that used to affect me probably don’t even draw my attention towards it. Love and Trust have became equivalent to Santa Clause and Unicorns. And yes, now I can see through people (even if I don’t I know there is a near end to everything).

Is the change right?


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